Monday, 11 July 2016

Paper accepted and lab comings and goings

Jill Harrison has had a review article accepted for the upcoming Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B volume on ‘Evo-devo in the genomics era and the origins of morphological diversity’.

Yoan Coudert has left the lab to start up his own group as CNRS ATIP Research Fellow at the Muséum National D’Histoire Naturelle in Paris. Building on our eLIFE (2015) paper, Yoan will be looking into the diversification of branching forms in mosses.

Stephanie Sang has joined the lab from the Bristol Palaeobiology MSc course and is looking into CLAVATA gene function in the moss, Physcomitrella patens. She will be presenting her results at the ‘Euro Evo-Devo 2016’ meeting in Uppsala before writing up her thesis and returning to the US to start her PhD rotations at the University of Chicago.

Zoe Nemec-Venza will be joining the lab as a Sainsbury Student in October 2016 from a Masters course at the University of Pisa.

Our small group will welcome new applicants to the lab!

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